We inform you that the HSK and HSKK test (of all levels) will take place on 20/03/2021. All students who need to take the HSK and HSKK test have a deadline to register until February 21, 2021, at 17:00 local time. You can register yourself through the website or you can ask the relevant […]

“HSK/HSKK Test Results”

All students of Chinese language and culture, who took the HSK/HSKK exam on 12/07/2020, please come to collect the certificates at our offices, Monday-Thursday from 9:00-15:00 , and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Notification: We inform you that the HSK and HSKK test (of all levels) will take place on 3.12.2017. Registrations for these tests must be made by 09.11.2017. All those interested should come to the Confucius Institute to register for all levels of HSK/HSKK. Welcome!


HSK Provimi i nivelit të gjuhës kineze (HSK) është një provim në seri që kontrollon nivelin e gjuhës kineze të njerëzve gjuha amtare e të cilëve nuk është gjuha kineze. Ky provim kontrollon aftësinë e komunikimit të kandidatëve në gjuhën kineze gjatë studimit të tyre në shkollë ose në universitet, ose gjatë punëve të tyre […]